September 24, 2016, 12-4pm at Metro Hall / 55 John Street, Toronto
Join Akin Projects, and many other awesome Toronto Grassroots and community-based organizations who are actively working to build a better Toronto at the Yes in My Backyard Festival.
The YIMBY (Yes in My Backyard) Festival is an event for people and groups involved – or looking to become involved – in grassroots, locally driven community development in Toronto. The Festival is an opportunity for people to gather, spread the word about their work, exchange ideas to effect change and strengthen their networks. It’s a chance to celebrate achievements and identify new challenges and opportunities, in an atmosphere focused on listening, learning and engaging. This one-day event invites community groups from across Toronto to turn the tables on politicians and policy makers, educating them about the issues that face our city’s communities, as experienced by the community. YIMBY provides an opportunity for neighbours to meet neighbours, residents to meet politicians and politicians to meet community groups in the spirit of people coming together for positive change.
The annual YIMBY Festival features over 100 community-based groups, free, interactive workshops and activities, and more!
This year’s theme is Massively Open – exploring how inclusivity & accessibility, and sharing connections, vulnerability, expertise, data, and more can strengthen our work. Through the festival, we will explore how various forms of openness can support us in realizing our collective hopes for a better Toronto – and what that looks like.
YIMBY is about empowering and educating ourselves and each other about the various issues facing our communities.
It is a chance to celebrate achievements and identify new challenges and opportunities in an atmosphere focused on listening, learning and engaging.
#YIMBY2016 is presented by Shape My City, in collaboration with ThinkFresh Group.