Akin Community Presents Virtual Show & Tell: Lowbrow Art Collecting Pt. 2 May 27th, 6:30 - 8:30 pm How to ''Google Meet '' - Just copy and paste this link into your browser: meet.google.com/opm-udva-fgp
SHOW US YOUR GOODS!! Everyone loves a good art collection, and in a city like Toronto there are so many local artists to support and be inspired by. Being a ''collector'' no longer requires a lot of money, or some kind of ''expert'' background. During this event we'd like to hear about your collection (low-brow or not) and how you got started, from zines to oil paintings, patches to prints, show us what you got and where it's from.
How it works: Join us on May 27th at 6:30 pm by using the link above. It's a relaxed and fun way to highlight the art that you love, and support the creatives that make it! Focus on your favourite piece, a memorable back story or how you got started!
Due to the 2hr time limitation for this event we may not be able to accommodate everyone's collection during this session, to make sure that everyone has a chance to speak email us at erin@akincollective.com to be added to the May 27th show & tell schedule.
Feel free to share art or simply log on to chat about art with your fellow Akin community members!
This is a FREE event.
Accessibility: Have a computer or mobile device? Then you're good to go! Copy and paste the link here: meet.google.com/aag-tnmm-piw
Captions available on-screen. Mobile phones may require a downloadable app from Google Hangouts.