Red Clay Farm, Economy, Nova Scotia
August 10th-17th , 2014
Deadline: April 20th 2014
 White Rabbit is a week-long artist residency in which emerging and established artists set up camp at beautiful Red Clay Studios to practice, create and collaborate. The residency culminates in a public festival for the performance and exhibition of individual and collaborative works that have emerged over the course of the week.
White Rabbit Open Air Arts Project is an immersive outdoor experience.  We encourage artists from a broad range of disciplines (textiles, dance, theatre, ceramics, paint, poetry, philosophy, words, audio, documentary, film, performance, music, you-name-it!) to push the boundaries of their practice, and work together to create the environment that is formed collaboratively and individually in response to the unique landscape.
Red Clay is an Eden and thus, is not equipped with many infrastructural amenities (although there there is good access to internet and to technical resources). Artists-in-residence traditionally pitch tents in the apple orchard next to the organic gardens, and bathe in the pond, solar showers or take a dip in the Bay of Fundy.  (other accommodations are available – we aim to be accessible!).
The cost for participants is $285 and covers 8 days including workshops and presentations by senior artists, field trips, use of site facilities, all meals, and accommodation (camping or lofts). White Rabbit seeks to achieve culinary excellence: food is locally-sourced and prepared by qualified chefs.

Interested artists should submit the following by April 20th, 2014:

1. A brief description (max 1 page) of your proposed project while at White Rabbit – please include ideas/concepts you will be exploring, materials and any tools that you will need. We encourage projects that are harmonious with the environment, therefore please specify and justify the proposed use of any unnatural materials.
2. A brief artist biography including your current place of residence, previous work and media (1 page max).
Submissions should be sent by email or post:
email: whiterabbitarts@gmail.com
Postmarked before or on April 20th: PO Box 35, Bass River, NS. B0M 1S0


Call for Submissions for Art Spin, 2014

Art Spin is gearing up for its sixth season this summer and is putting out its annual open call for submissions.

Art Spin takes place on the last Thursday of June, July and August and will see roughly 300 audience members/participants on their bicycles for each event. On each tour these enthusiastic groups will visit a series of curated stops that feature a mix of galleries, artists’ studios and commissioned artworks and performances, often site-specific and in unique and unconventional spaces throughout the city.

We are currently looking for submissions for art projects/performances from all disciplines (visual arts, installation, sculpture, film & video, new media, performance, dance, theatre and music etc.) to fit into our tour programming.

Projects being proposed will be considered for one of the three tours taking place on: Thursday, June 26th, Thursday, July 31st or Thursday, August 28th (all tours begin at 6:30 and run until roughly 9:30pm).

Time-based projects should last no longer than 15 minutes. Stops on the tour may take place in alternative venues. In past years we have commissioned projects that have taken place in parking structures, empty lots, public parks, warehouses, alleyways, churches, schoolyards, community spaces, hockey rinks and construction sites.

We encourage site-specific proposals, however locations may be altered in order to better accommodate our tour routes.

Artists should keep in mind the large number of participants on Art Spin tours. Projects that can be easily viewed/experienced by larger groups are more successful as well as interactive projects.

Artists' fees of $500 - $1000, depending on the project, will be awarded.

Submission Guidelines:

• project description (500 word maximum in attached .doc or PDF format only)
• up to 10 images (attached files under 1M each, jpg, tiff, png, or gif) of proposed project and/or past work
or, for time-based projects, please include no more than 5 minutes of video-support material (attached as mov, m4v or wmf formats or link to vimeo or youtube in your project description)
• an up-to-date CV/Resume (in attached .doc or PDF format only)
• please submit proposals by e-mail to info@artspin.ca by March 7th, 2014.
• e-mailed submission must be titled “Art Spin submission 2014” and follow the guidelines above, all text and image files should be attached, not embedded in your e-mail. If you have a link (for vimeo or youtube video only) please be sure to include it in your project description and not in the body of your e-mail.

We highly recommend having a look at past examples of projects featured on Art Spin tours if you have never attended one, please visit the submissions page of the website at: http://www.artspin.ca/#!submissions/c13xz

If you have any further questions about the submissions process, please don’t hesitate to contact us at info@artspin.ca.