Creative Users new website - Accessing the Arts!
After a two year long journey, Creative Users, an initiative of Akin Dupont member Lindsay Fisher, is thrilled to officially launch their new website and accessible events listing thanks to the generous support of the Canada Council for the Arts and the Ontario Arts Council.
This website features information about Creative User projects, as well it provides an events listing, "Accessing the Arts" which features accessible arts and disability arts happening in Toronto. Creative Users' goal for the next two years is to research and evaluate the usability of this site, to expand the scope of resources to include accessible and inclusive curatorial practices happening nationally with information, news articles and documentation on making the arts accessible along with updates on what's happening in the disability arts scene.
Creative Users is a disability-led artist platform that explores the intersection of art and design practices, accessibility, and disability. Creative Users is a shapeshifter, cultural connector and sector builder of disability arts and accessible curatorial practice. The work stems from a desire to activate art and make visible an inclusive arts culture.