Call for Proposals: Outside the Box
The City of Toronto invites local area artists to submit proposals to create works of art on City traffic signal boxes throughout Toronto. There are over 2,200 traffic signal boxes located across Toronto at signalized intersections. These boxes are often covered with posters and are a prime target for graffiti vandalism.
The Outside the Box public art initiative helps to bring diverse and interesting public art to neighbourhoods, reduces the impact of graffiti vandalism and postering, contributes to the vitality and attractiveness of the streetscape, helps to beautify City infrastructure and streets, and supports local and emerging artists.
Artwork on traffic signal boxes functions as a form of communication to a passer-by with the goal to create a vibrant, inclusive and interesting urban environment. Successful proposals will be innovative in design, foster community pride, counteract graffiti vandalism and contribute to a sense of identity for residents and businesses.
The Outside the Box program is an initiative of the City of Toronto's Transportation Services Division. Since it was launched in 2013, over 295 boxes have been hand-painted by local artists.
Selected artists will receive a fee of a $750 (honorarium and materials including HST) for each completed traffic signal box and licencing rights that will enable the City to reproduce the final design for promotional purposes.
Deadline: Monday, April 8th, 5pm EST