Call for submissions: the Gladstone Hotel's Grow Op 2019
Be a part of the Gladstone Hotel's Grow Op 2019! Celebrating its seventh year in April 2019, Grow Op is an exhibition of urbanism, landscape design and contemporary art that cultivates ideas across a broad range of disciplines.
This year's theme is ENERGY! Clean energy, dirty energy, social energy, positive energy, negative energy, climate energy, embodied energy, resilient energy. Do we hoard, waste, commodify and burn it? Or do we store, reuse and renew it? Let's explore how humans and other species live within and without natural systems of energy, change, abundance, scarcity, decay and life.
The Gladstone invites a diversity of proposals from collaborative teams, collectives and individuals that engage with landscape, species and habitat through installation, sculpture, performance, digital media and more to create a provocative experiential exhibition.
Image courtesy of Hannah Rothschild (@rothschild_hannah)